Peppers - at least twelve varieties -
in two, no-till beds. We cut the winter rye
cover crop, laid it down and planted right
into the beds without digging. And they're
One of the most used foods at the foodbanks is lettuce.
This year we've grown several types. A crisphead, Anuenue (a-newy-newy)
from Hawaii is our summer pick.

With over a dozen varieties of tomatoes - some heirlooms -
some hybrids - we have a huge range of fruits getting close
to ready. We spray every ten days or so with Surround and
copper mix and alternate with a fish emulsion foliar feed. Top
right, you can see one of the clips we're using from Johnny's
Selected Seeds for trellising. We're clipping them to a set-up
similar to that of pole beans. The dreaded lack of rain has
at least one benefit - we've seen only one plant with a little
early blight.
Overview a few weeks ago. We have a no-till bed in the
foreground between the two pepper beds (also no - till).
We're saving that bed for fall brassicas.