Saturday, April 17, 2010

Plowing With Belle

Not wanting to take up so much room at The Lord's Acre growing sweet corn (a crop that takes a lot from the soil, ties up space for a long time and has low yields comparatively), Franklin & Susan decided to plant this summer favorite at the upper garden at their house. The Sides borrow Belle the draft horse every few weeks from a neighbor to 'mow' their lawn and have plowed with her before. She's a gentle giant that's well-trained and quite patient. Since she was already at the Sides' and had finished 'mowing' it was a good time to turn over some earth. Here, Franklin shows our intern, Kelley, the ropes. Kelley's an experienced horsewoman so "gee"(turn right) and "haw" (turn left)came quite naturally to her.
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1 comment:

Elaine Hurst said...

Way to go, Kelley! A great way to get the job done, with no gasoline involved. love, mom