Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More Montreat Men's Soccer

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Montreat Men's Soccer Gardens

Austin Shattuck is like a son to my husband Franklin
and I and he recently encouraged his soccer team to
come help at The Lord's Acre. Twenty-one strong and fit
guys showed up and did three days of work in two hours!!
They dug a bed, pulled out all the old pole beans, weeded
thistle, readied the potato field for cover cropping and more.
Thanks guys. We see it as a challenge to UNCA and any
other soccer team out there who wants to live up to
Montreat's garden record.

The "destruction crew" pulls out pole beans.

This guy had been injured THAT day
and he still worked the entire time!
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Summertime Crops

We planted two varieties of edamame as an edible cover
crop and were blessed with an abundant harvest. Being a
legume, edamame takes nitrogen from the air and
"fixes" it in its roots, thus enriching the soil. Freesia
steamed them and took them to Food For Fairview to
familiarize folks with the unusual, yet high in protien, green
vegetable. Everyone who tried them, liked them and we plan
to grow more in 2011.

Cucumbers: Marketmore and Suyo Longs, reach high
for every bit of available sunlight. Suyo Longs are an un-
usual, Asian variety that is long and snake-like and has
soft prickles. They are sweet and virtually burpless and

One of our many tomato varieties from Sister's Floribunda
nursery. These are Mountain Fresh, bred locally and very
disease resistant.

Crimson okra is not only productive, it's an ornamental
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Pink & Blue

We've planted summer alfalfa and oats in half the old
potato area. Both have a bluish hue to them, especially
in early morning.

Volunteer cosmos come into their own on the flower border
now that the sunflowers have seen their glory days.

Cleome, or spider-plant, finally survived the summer heat
wave and is taking off. It's a very old-timey flower that
is often seen in country gardens.

A few muskmelons are filling out before colder weather hits.
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The Dew Is On The.....

Rake-head sports a raincoat in hopes it will be needed. Not
a cloud in the sky, though. We need rain.

A bed of Brussels sprouts is just taking off. These will get
chest-high and become sweeter when kissed by frost.

Purplette, a small, onion, is coming into
its own in this cooler weather.

We have a few cantaloupe and melon hills this year with
hopes of growing more in 2011. These Sugar Babies are
actually sporting "peach fuzz" that traps the morning dew.
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Fire & Ice

Jarrahdale & Kabocha winter squash, both from Johnny's
Selected Seeds, brightened our fields and now grace our drying
racks. Once cured, the baked flesh, is sweet and creamy and
is ready for use as a vegetable or in pies and pastries.

Baby Pam was our third variety for 2010. A small pumpkin,
this one's no jack-0-lantern. It, too, has sweet, dark flesh for
those hearty autumn pies and puddings.

View from underneath the drying rack.
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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Memories From A Summer Intern

An internship at The Lord's Acre is not merely an internship; it is a whole community experience. In the spring, I signed up to learn how to grow food in a non-profit context, not knowing that I would enter one of the best jobs of my life. Throughout my experience, the staff and supporters of the garden supported me everyday in our shared pursuit of growing food and changing food systems. Very often we remarked that the friendships made at the garden would not have been possible any other way--I met so many people I would not have otherwise encountered, but with whom, in fact, I shared much in common. Living in community was one of the most beautiful parts of the internship. Sharing a meal at the end of a long day or a potluck during a work night enriched our relationships intentionally. Additionally, the opportunity to attend board meetings and write grants made me feel that I was not just a short-term intern, but a valued part of the organization. The partnerships I was able to build personally and professionally with food pantries and other partner organizations will carry on to future endeavors. I am grateful to The Lord's Acre and the individuals associated with it for a positive time rich with knowledge and good fun. I would recommend the internship to anyone interested in an experience that just begins at growing food.

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 2010

We put up a shade cloth tunnel to start summer lettuce.
This variety, called Anuenue is from Hawaii.

The pole beans (left) are reaching tall and the winter
squash (background) is taking over.

Mallika waters inside the shade tunnel where less sunshine
means slightly cooler temps and less water evaporating.

Lately we've added many varietal signs.
These are in the pepper patch. Soon,
Steve will build us a roofed kiosk so we can
better display other information.

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Meet The Talented Garden Staff 2010

L-R: Susan & Franklin Sides (co-head gardeners), Kelley
(full-season intern), Freesia & Mallika (summer interns)
We are blessed to have these young women work so hard
for room, board, and experience. They invest themselves
into the project and it truly could not function without them.
Photo by: Pat Stone

Potluck before work. Steve & Pat in foreground, are board
members who also spend a great deal of time in the garden.
Next three photos by: Kelley

Freesia, dead-heading basil - a gift from Sister's Floribunda
Nursery in Bee Tree.

Kelley & Mallika stretch after a hard day's work.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Love Those Garden Trugs

We're crazy about our harvest trugs from Lowes. They're
lightweight, they fold, mold, hold...
(The last dozen or so photos (from Ace, onward) were
taken by Mallika, one of 2010's awesome interns.
She took these with her I-phone!)

Today she was at the garden and I asked her to "write
down" the tools list for the new picnic table we need to
assemble. I quickly received an email with a "photo" of the
tools list. LOVE that younger generation!!!

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Typical Harvest Day

Jonathan & Bev - two loyal harvest volunteers.

The best part of the garden - harvest. Don't miss the fun.
We harvest Monday & Friday mornings from 7:30 - 10:00.

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